
Monday 18 August 2014

Nightmares and Fears! They are linked ? I never knew.

19 August 2014
Last night I had terrible dreams. A dream within a dream. I woke up scared and crying. Slept soon after deciding not to get scared and chasing the ghosts away.
Next morning I walked in to yoga school and the first thing I did, was tell Teacher Surinder about the nightmares and told him how I get them very often. He asked me if I was scared when I got up and I told him I was. 

He then explained  number of things and beautifully well. 
1) it's a general tendency to fall into sleep thinking of worries and with various thoughts running in our head. That ways we carry all those thoughts into our sleep leading to dreams and nightmares. 

2) we all have fears. At times cropping from the many 'DONOTS' we hear since childhood. Many a times this leads to fear which settles down in our subconscious mind, a mind which is much bigger than the conscious mind. He mentioned that spiritual science says its good to have a fear while medical science says the opposite. Spiritual science says be fearful but of God. Feel answerable to him. In that case a person will not just superficially be nice to people but will have his heart and soul clean. 
He told me that I carry a lot of fears inside. Those fears need to be uprooted and not just superficially removed. I denied that I had any fears. But he insisted that maybe I am not even aware of them and that the subconscious mind is stronger than the conscious mind. ( really? and I thought I was fearless )
3) teacher said  that we will gradually work on our fears and have them uprooted.

Later at breakfast while explaining to him how I get my 'singh' surname from my 'kingly' forefathers he said how we all are kings since we all have  kingly heart and give to everyone and take care of everyone. :)

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