
Wednesday 31 December 2014

Take a moment to appreciate yourself and be grateful for the good 2014 offered.

Year 2014 was an absolute roller coaster ride - at times fun and and at times scary. Lots of sweet memories and some scars, hopefully which will go with time. Lots of accomplishments and some misses. Some good deeds and some blunders committed. Some so called 'friends' lost some new made. Lots of lessons learnt!

My Yoga teacher said do not forget to appreciate yourself for your accomplishments or hard work. Some of the good I can look back and remember 2014 with a smile:
  • Gabi and my parents, family accepted and welcomed us with open arms. Could not have asked for more in this respect.
  • Experienced having a pet - a little kitty 
  • Learnt a new language ( still at it )
  • Did Yoga Teacher Training Course ( a long way to go )
  • Started a new company ( it was short spanned but a great experience and I am glad I did it )
  • Visited Taj Mahal for the first time ever 
  • Traveled a little
  • Shifted to Netherlands from India- experiencing a whole new life here
  • Never imagined I would be paid for writing. It is a new found passion and I am totally loving it!
  • Learnt cooking and cooked for the first time ever for guests come over for dinner ( there is always a first time ;) 

2014 has given me a fresh new life! I am grateful for all the good it brought me.

Tomorrow, 1st January 2015, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. I hope to write a good one and make 2015 an honest and fulfilling year. 

I wish everyone a very Happy New Year! Have a good one and be good! :)